The following work was produced in a professional capacity as Designer II within the Buildings+Places department of AECOM, largely focusing on large scale transportation and aviation projects through phases of schematic design, design development, and production of construction drawings.

Responsibilities include but are not limited to - integrating computational design and production methods during design phases, producing architectural visualizations (renders, animations, virtual reality, diagrams) for discourse with consultants and clients, and producing construction drawings.

client and collaborator names may be ommited for confidentiality.

Geometry modeled with Rhinoceros, Revit, and Grasshopper.
Renderings and animations produced with Lumion and Adobe Photoshop
Diagrams and drawings produced with Revit, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop




Took part in schematic design, design developement and production of construction documents of the expansion of a 30 thousand annual passenger transportation hub in Canada. Scope of work consisted of 4 disjointed bus stations, situated above a predesigned expanded railway substation.

In coordination with design lead and MEP team, I produced a Grasshopper script to develop the architectural form - section cuts of catenary tori are extracted and panelized to produce a free-standing enclosure system. I used Pythonscript to regulate panel size sand edge lengths, minimizing customization for manufacturing.


Through Grasshopper, sunpaths and heatmaps were used to determine individual panel opacity requirements in service of regulating interior temperature.


Custom geometry produced in Rhino imported into Revit lacked BIM data and thus Dynamo was used to faciliate the production of construction documents. EG. panel shading, surface annotation.


In coordination with panel and lighting manufacturers, a lighting system was developed for the outdoor canopy. Grasshopper was used to distribute individual panel types with an attractor script to delineate moments of congregation and circulation.


An integrated light box panel system was chosen to better optimize division of labour between panel and lighting manufacturers.


Due to the numerous local and international offices involved, parametricism of design was prioritized; conceptualization of formal design parametrically allowed for ensurance of compatibility between teams as well as minimize dependence on unreliable cloud service. Exchange of information was limited to spreadsheets and code scripts.



scan on smartphone for VR visualization

scan on smartphone for VR visualization

Took part in the design bid for the redevelopment/ expansion of BWI that currently serves more than 20 million passengers annually.

The architectural bid covers the expansion of the terminals A and B in expectance of future demand.

The existing 500,000 square-feet terminal was proposed to expand by 50,000 square-feet, consisting of concessions space, support spaces, and expanded daylit holdroom space.


By pushing the expanded holdroom space outwards to the extents of the site as opposed to adjacent the existing terminal, two atrium spaces are created, not only increasing interior daylight, but also providing opportunities for green space and local artwork.


Under direction of design lead, I modeled architectural elements in Rhino and truss systems in Grasshopper. I worked with a local media firm to produce virtual-reality vizualizations, accessible through smart phones via QR Code.




Took part in the production of a complete bid proposal for the redevelopement/ redesign of Kansas City’s international airport. The $1.2 billion project addresses the need for efficient organization between human and vehicular circulation to both maximize retail space and minimize unnecessary labor/ fuel usage.

I traveled to Kansis City, MO, to work with the local AECOM team, media consultant firm, developement firm, and local community groups to produce and take part in the final presentation to local elected officials and jury.


As flexibility of expanding beyond the ‘I’ shaped site extents was limited, the central circulation corridor separating the North and South terminal was elevated. Circulation paths for planes extend under the bridge, expanding possible traffic configurations, relieving congestion on runways; an observation platform is realized on the elevated walkway providing a unique vantage point for idle passengers; residual spaces at the base of the bridge provide daylit spaces for retail and lounges.


in construction


Took part in the design development and production of construction drawings for a VIP terminal in Maldives. Due to client demands and pre-existing designs, our scope of design largely consisted of designing a facade and sunscreen system.


Using Grasshopper, a variable sunscreen system was developed through a progressive implementation of push-pull operations on a planar rectalinear screen. The final design was translated into Dynamo and imported into Revit for construction drawings.


3d prints were produced to visualize scale of sunscreen and exterior catwalk system




Took part in the design bid of the redevelopment/ expansion of Clark airport in the Philippines. The new terminal proposed expands the capacity from 4 million to 12 million annually.

Under guidance from design lead, I produced a Grasshopper script to model the major structural elements and span paneling system.


Kangaroo was used to simulate hanging tensioned steel cables upon which roof tiles were hung. Similarly, the large span concrete structure and steel truss system was designed and modeled in Grasshopper; security screen check point, retail space, and passenger holdrooms is daylit through large fabric span hung off the same structural members.




Took part in the production of a basis of design report for the redevelopement/ redesign of an international airport within the United States that serves more than 30 million passengers annually.


The security screening check point is opened up with sprawling curtain walls and periodic skylights filtered through perforated sweeping wooden members




Took part in the design bid and design developement of a VIP medical center in the Middle East.


Religious values and discretion of inhabitants were a focus of design requirements, expressed both programmatically and aesthetically. A minaret and mirhab were part of the programmatic requirements and thus were given proportional physical figure on the site, integrated by a series of water bodies and green spaces.


The glass clad building employed a variety of glass types and sunscreens to provide progressive layers of privacy whilst maximizing interior day lighting. Privacy was tantimount for both regular patients entering from the ground floor, but also VIP patients arriving by helicopter.